
how to add more ram to minecraft server

Help! My client keeps crashing when I try to launch or connect!

When your client does not have enough memory available, it may crash when you attempt to connect to your server or it may not even start at all. Sufficient memory allocation is crucial, especially when it comes to modded gameplay.

When you have enough memory available on the computer you use to play and you've allocated a sufficient amount to your launcher, you should be good to go!

Recommended Memory Allocation

For any Minecraft gameplay, you should have at least 2GB (2048MB) allocated.
If you're expecting more intense gameplay, you should consider a minimum of 4GB (4096MB) or even 6GB (6144MB).

Vanilla gameplay requires less memory than modded gameplay.

This is an informational guide only. CubedHost does not own any launchers.

Directions may change at any time based on launcher updates.

Want to start your own Minecraft server?

Our hardware is selected to offer powerful, reliable performance for Minecraft so you can play modded without concern. Each server comes with multi-gigabit DDoS protection, a 99.9% uptime guarantee, and free modpack installations.

Our support team is the best around, so feel free to reach out if we can help!

How do I allocate more memory to my launcher?

There are several launchers out there offering different gameplay experiences.
We've included directions based on some of the most popular launchers.

Are we missing something? Let us know!

Minecraft Launcher (Default/Vanilla)

  1. Open your Minecraft client (Java version).

  2. Select the Installations tab towards the top of the launcher.

  3. Hover over your desired profile/Minecraft version, then select the button with the three dots on the right.

  4. Select Edit from the drop-down menu. A modal will appear and More Options will be available in the bottom-right. Select this.

  5. In the "JVM arguments" field, change -Xmx1G to -Xmx#G , replace # with the amount of RAM you'd like to allocate to Minecraft in GB (do not modify any other text).

  6. Select the green Save button and you're done!

CurseForge / Overwolf (previously Twitch Launcher)

  1. Open the CurseForge app.

  2. Select the gear icon located in the bottom-left of the app.

  3. Under "Game Specific" on the left, select Minecraft.

  4. Scroll down. You're looking for "Allocated Memory" under "Java Settings".

  5. Adjust the orange slider bar to your desired memory amount.

  6. Close the settings panel (X is in the top-right!) and play!

P.S. Be sure to try Uncle Genny's 100% Organic & Free Range modpack, proudly sponsored by CubedHost!


Open your ATLauncher, select the Settings tab from the right-side menu pane, then select the Java/Minecraft tab from the top navigation bar.

You should now see drop-down menus available regarding memory.
Adjust the Maximum Memory/RAM drop-down selection to your desired memory amount (remember that at least 4096 MB is recommended).

Don't forget to select the Save button once you're done!

Twitch Launcher (Curse/FTB Modpacks)*

To adjust this setting in the Twitch Launcher, access your settings by selecting the small down arrow in the top-right, then select the Settings option with the gear icon.
Next, select the Minecraft tab on the Settings page and locate the Allocated Memory slider under Java Settings. Adjust the slider to your desired memory amount (remember we recommend at least 4096MB).

* The Twitch Launcher is being phased out in favor of CurseForge's new launcher, built on Overwolf. View directions for updating the CurseForge launcher above.

Technic Launcher

Open your Technic Launcher, select the Launcher Settings using the little gear found in the top-right, then select the Java Settings tab from the navigation bar in the Java Settings window.

You should now see a drop-down menu available to adjust Memory.
Adjust this to your desired memory amount (remember that at least 4GB is recommended).

Your changes are saved automatically, so feel free to close the Launcher Options window and get to mining!

If you're only able to allocate a maximum of 1GB of memory, that most likely means that the 32bit version of Java is installed on your system which limits the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated. To fix this, all you need to do is uninstall Java and install Java 8 64bit onto your system, then restart your computer.

Legacy FeedTheBeast (FTB) Launcher

Select Options, then move the RAM Maximum (MB) slider around to your desired memory amount (remember, we suggest at least 4096MB).

Void Launcher

Select the gear in the top-right corner, change the Max: under the Minecraft: Options to increase the amount of RAM (remember, we suggest at least 4096MB).

how to add more ram to minecraft server


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